October 23, 2012

Looking For Mighty Eagles Amongst Chickens

 Once upon a time, on a large mountainside there was an eagle nest with several large eagle eggs inside.
  One day, an earthquake rocked the mountain causing one of the eggs to roll down to a chicken farm, located in the valley below.
The chickens knew that they must protect the eagle egg. Eventually, the eagle egg hatched and a beautiful eagle was born.
Being chickens, the chickens raised the eagle to be a chicken. The eagle loved his home and family but it seemed his spirit cried out for more.
One day, the eagle looked to the skies above and noticed a group of mighty eagles soaring. "Oh," the eagle cried, "I wish I could soar like those birds."
The chickens roared with laughter, "You cannot soar like a mighty eagle. You are only a chicken and chickens do not soar." The eagle continued staring at the mighty eagles up above, dreaming that he could be like them.
Each time the eagle talked about his dreams, he was told it could not be done, and he should be happy he was a chicken.
That was what the eagle learned to believe. After time, the eagle stopped dreaming and continued to live his life as a chicken.
One day a mighty eagle was flying overhead and thinking eagle was a chicken he swooped down, grabbed eagle, and carried him back to his nest to eat. When the mighty eagle saw that eagle was not a chicken he asked eagle, why are you living with chickens? Eagle said, because I am a chicken that is all I know and that's what everyone says I am.
The mighty eagle said no you're not, I tell you, you are a mighty eagle like me and you can soar like me and rule the air, I will show you. With that mighty eagle grabbed eagle and carried him high up in the air, high as he could fly. Eagle was terrified because he knew he would fall to a horrible death.
Suddenly mighty eagle let go of eagle and eagle fell, spinning and screaming I am a chicken, I am only a chicken and chickens don't fly, I am going to die. Mighty eagle swooped down again and carried him up again, but this time mighty eagle said, just try, open your wings, when they fill with air you will know you are a mighty eagle like me.  Mighty eagle let go again, fear began to rush in again but eagle, remembering what mighty eagle said opened his wings. When the rushing air filled his massive wingspan for the first time, he felt the explosive power he was born to harness and at that moment he knew he was also a MIGHTY EAGLE, looking at his new friend and fellow mighty eagle he was thankful that another mighty eagle saw him for what he really was and could be…
The Beginning
I hope you enjoyed this twist to an old story. Are you looking for mighty eagles amongst chickens?

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