December 29, 2015

Perceptions Sank the Titanic

"The Titanic" these words bring many thoughts to mind all of which are tied immortally to an avoidable tragic loss of life. This one event changed the world and raised the bar for public safety like no other.

Why did it happen, how could it happen and how do we make sure it never happens again? It was the hope of everyone that the ensuing investigation would bring to light the chain of actions that led to the catastrophic event.

I propose the most important contributor was overlooked and as a result not addressed in the resulting corrective actions. Additionally this contributor is often still overlooked today, some that do see it still do not know what to do with it. It is "Human Behavior Based on Perspective" a root cause analysis is primarily entrenched in cause and effect now this view in itself is not bad but the cause is habitually seen as systems, equipment or leaderships decisions/actions.

But what if you back up the time line a little more and look at what perceptions were the influencers acting on, what pressures were they under, were they external or internal how did they come to that perspective? Now ask yourself knowing the answers to those questions, what would the corrective actions look like now? I expect much different, but what would they be? How do you develop a "Corrective Action" for a "Perception"

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