December 29, 2015

See Through The Fog Caused by The Logic of Experts, and History’s Statistics.

In 786AD a foreman was walking on a jobsite in Aachen Germany, While walking he stopped to talk to three separate men the first man was very pessimistic and sad he seemed over whelmed by his job. When the foreman asked what he did the man replied with a long list of responsibilities, the simplest of which was that he had to lay over 500,000 brick and if any brick wasn't right the whole project would collapse he was sure the due o the complexity the project was doomed to fail.

When the foreman walked up to the second man, he could see that he was very busy and the man barely looked up, he was oblivious to his surrounding and those people working around him. The foreman saw this man's work was ahead of schedule, but the walls he was erecting didn't have the support they needed to keep them from falling over. This was because the other workers couldn't keep up with him. The foreman saw the others were frustrated and when asked they said they continually try to warn him but he refuses to listen and when he does respond he just tells them to catch up. "He just doesn't understand that we have a job which requires more time then his" Said the coworker

When the foreman approached the third man, he greeted him, his spirits were evidently high. His work was on time and his walls were supported. The other workers felt that they were working on one job rather then many smaller projects. The foreman was pleased and he wanted to repeat the same success at all the worksites, so he asked the man what was different and the man said:

"I don't know what's different, but I know when I was recruited for this project I was told that I was chosen to be part of something great. I was told Charlemagne was building the Palatine Chapel. I could not believe my fortune; I was one of the few people in the world who gets to be part of something greater then himself. I get to build something that will be a blessing to families, a place for, marriages, christenings, coronations, and a place where souls can come for comfort. So I guess our secret is that there is no secret, we all recognize this awesome responsibility is a great blessing. We are making the world a better place. I know at times we have problems but we keep ourselves focused on the vision and it gets us through those rough patches"

Sometimes in the fervor of our day to day activities we loose site of the vision (Nobody Gets Hurt) and when it happens we may become despondent. When this happens to me, I remember a quote from Sir Winston Churchill, one that he made during Britton's darkest hour, when devastation surrounded him and many saw eminent defeat on the horizon. But Churchill saw what other great leaders saw when they themselves were in dire situations. He saw because he had vision; his vision caused him to see through the fog caused by the logic of experts, and history's statistics. What he saw was an unobstructed view of possibilities, he recognized that failure was not an option and he said:

"Never give in, never give in, never; never; never; never - in nothing, great or small, large or petty - never give in except to convictions of honor and good sense"
Winston Churchill (British Orator, Author and Prime Minister during World War II. 1874-1965)

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