December 29, 2015


According to the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission the top 5 toy hazards are:

  1. Scooters and other Riding Toys – Riding toys, skateboards and in-line skates go fast and falls could be deadly. Helmets and safety gear should be worn at all times and be sized to fit.
  2. Small Balls and other Toys with Small Parts – For children younger than age three, avoid toys with small parts, which can cause choking.
  3. Balloons - Children under eight yrs. can choke or suffocate on un-inflated or broken balloons. Keep un-inflated balloons from children. Discard broken balloons at once.
  4. Magnets – For children under age six, avoid building or play sets with small magnets. If magnets or pieces with magnets are swallowed, serious injuries and/or death can occur.
  5. Chargers and Adapters – Charging batteries should be supervised by adults. Chargers and adapters can pose thermal burn hazards to children.

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